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Elmer Colyer is professor of systematic theology at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, and pastor of a Methodist congregation. Dr. Colyer received his Ph.D. from Boston College/Andover Newton in 1992.
Dr. Colyer talks about the weaknesses of the concordance method of theology, that the Bible is not an end in itself, and Trinitarian theology. 35 minutes.
Dr. Colyer talks about the theology of Thomas Torrance, the vicarious humanity of Christ, and “the logic of grace.”
Dr. Colyer discusses predestination and Trinitarian theology. Some people assume that God is the best of our own ideals, others accept him the way he has revealed himself in Christ. 27:58
Dr. Colyer talks with Mike Feazell about the practical theology of Thomas F. Torrance. 24:51
Dr. Colyer discusses how hell and God’s wrath are related to God’s love. 30:46
Dr. Colyer examines the relationship between judgment and grace.
Dr. Colyer discusses repentance with us and why we don’t repent well on our own. 28:47
Dr. Colyer explains why church renewal programs don’t work and how gospel-centered congregations need to take the lead. 31:06
Dr. Colyer explores the Bible and how the church has wrestled with how theology has shaped our interpretations. 30:56