Section outline
Jeff McSwain is the founder of Reality Ministries of Durham, North Carolina. Jeff earned his doctorate in 2015 at the University of St. Andrews.
Jeff McSwain discusses how to help young people experience the loving embrace of Jesus Christ. 29:16
Some people think that God the Father is angry, and Christ is appeasing his anger. But the truth is quite different. 29:31
Jeff discusses the difference between Calvinism and Arminianism, and the Reformed view of Karl Barth. 34:15
If we are new creations, why do we still have old habits? Jeff McSwain talks about sanctification. 30:28
We all bring our own viewpoint to Scripture, so it’s important for us to read the Bible through a Christ-centered lens. 32:56
Jeff McSwain describes the goal of Reality Ministries – to help adolescents understand that they belong. 26:52